

COURSE 1: Basic Building Blocks – The Qaa’idah. 

Ideally suited to all new beginners starting their journey in Arabic from the first step, the alphabet upwards, hence there are no pre-requisites to join this course. Using a set curriculum Qaa’idah, we learn the correct and accurate pronunciation of each and every letter of the alphabet. The course then progresses into different sounds and methods of joining letters, leading onto reading full words, then sentences…and eventually small chapters of the Qur’an itself! 

COURSE 2: Madinah Book 1 – Understanding & Speaking Arabic. 

Children who have passed course 1 (or are already educated up to that level i.e. can read very basic Arabic and join words etc) can enrol onto Course 2. This is the same as the Adult Learner Madinah Book 1 Course, but significantly simplified and adapted in its taught form to be made suitable and understandable to the younger audience, in fact even the actual textbook is available in a child-friendly colourful format. Children learn step-by-step slowly building their vocabulary and conversational skills, as well develop an understanding of Arabic grammar.


Parents are provided an update report every term (our terms are 12 weeks). The report highlights the material covered, and the child’s level of understanding and ability in communicating his/her comprehension.


Whereas the Adult Learner courses have generally set durations, that is not the case with Young Learner courses. With our young learners it is a case of progressive study and continuous development, with a focus on proficiency. 

tuition method

As with all our tuition, focus is on student interaction and participation. Children are encouraged to read and practice words and sounds in class, to ensure accurate learning – our classes are never just the tutor talking all the way through!

parent Reviews

We have had a huge number of young learners study with us….some who even began as young learners and moved up to adult learners eventually!

Here’s what some of the parents have said!


"With today's times & society we live in, I felt now is the time to educate my children, what better way than to appoint a qualified tutor..."


"Myself & my siblings started learning Arabic in 2012 as young learners (I am now continuing as an adult learner!). Throughout the years of studying I have learnt many things, learning Arabic has helped me a lot with my confidence in speaking in another language..."

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