
About Us

Our Mission

Learning Arabic is not only hugely rewarding, but also enjoyable and fun – if taught and learnt in the right way!

Our aim is to ensure that every student achieves the ultimate goal of understanding Arabic…to have the ability to read, comprehend, and speak with confidence. 

Our Tuition History

Our tuition first began with in-person classes in 2005 – with a single student! – in Lancashire, North West England. Slowly it expanded to neighbouring towns and cities, and eventually online. Over the years we have had students from as far as the U.S.A. as well as throughout the U.K. from London, Nottingham, Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, High Wycombe, and many more locations!

Our Teaching Principles

The key is a focussed and structured approach to learning step-by-step. We have scheduled courses working through set materials methodically, building on the student’s knowledge stage by stage. We also believe through experience that interaction is an absolutely vital component to learning and retention, hence all our classes are student-driven, with the focus on students participating, reading, and practicing the materials. 

What Makes Us Different?

Besides standard private tuition, we offer programmes that resemble “classroom” learning, whereby groups of students all study together. This group method offers students an extra level of learning; not only does every student individually participate during class, they also listen and learn as others have their turn! This vastly reinforces the learning process – students listen to each other’s reading, recognise common mistakes, take on board corrections of the tutor…and most of all, it creates a much more relaxed and fun environment to learn in, as opposed to a very isolated and subliminally pressured environment many students encounter in individual tuition. 

conducive study environment

fully qualified & experienced tutor

student interaction


Connecting the WORLD

To primarily provide availability of learning Arabic to people who are located in areas – wherever in the World – where they do not have access to local teachers upon the Sunnah to learn, or to have their children taught.

Secondarily, to also provide an extra platform for those who do have local access to learning, to enhance, solidify, and progress further in their studies via an additional mode of learning.

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