
Lead Tutor

We understand the importance of being upon complete clarity and insight with regards to the courses and tuition available with us at InkPot Arabic, as such, we clearly highlight the details of the courses, and of the tutors!

Abu Mu'adh Taqweem Aslam


U.K. & Saudi Arabia

✔ Initial Studies in the U.K. – G.C.S.E.’s,  A-Levels + A/S Levels, as well as a BA Degree from the School of Business & Economics, University of Manchester, U.K.

✔ Further studies at the International University of Madinah, K.S.A.

✔ 2-Year Diploma in Arabic Language – 96% pass grade (2004 – 2006)

✔ 4-Year Degree in Hadith & Islamic Sciences – 1st Class (2006 – 2010)

✔ Candidate in MA ‘Aqidah (Theology) (2010 – prorogued)


Clarity in Explanation

Clarity and simplicity of explanation are always a key focus. Classes taught to children are especially adapted to suit their level of understanding in terms of language and style, making it an enjoyable experience for adults and fun learning for children!

Homework is clearly set out so every student knows exactly how and what to revise to maximise learning potential.


10 years+ in Tuition

The first ever Arabic classes were held in 2005 with a single student, courses then developed in the years to follow with more and more students joining.

BY 2010 classes were being taught online as well as in multiple neighbouring cities throughout Lancashire/Yorkshire, U.K.

The number of students taught to date is into the 100’s, with a variety of course books and programs utilised – the most popular being the Madinah Arabic Course.

In Safe Hands!

The lead tutor has studied the exact same Madinah Arabic Course and then taught it for over a decade; consequently being fully qualified and aware of the optimal methods in teaching and learning the Arabic Language via it!

Begin Building Your Language Fortress!

Learning Arabic – like any new language – requires laying down the building blocks one by one, to eventually achieve your goals…!


There are many different dialects of Arabic that vary from region to region; the Egyptian region has a dialect, the Gulf region has a dialect, the North African region has a dialect...and so on. However, all of them originate and are based upon Classical Arabic - also known as fus-ha. It is exactly this fus-ha classical Arabic that we teach.

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