
Adult learner Courses

These courses are primarily founded upon the famous tried and tested Madinah Arabic Book series. This is a course that has been taught for decades at the International University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, for non-Arabic speaking students. The full course consists of multiple levels and books – a lot more than the usual 3 books often available in the English language! 

The basic course begins with Madinah Book 1, we then also teach intermediate level Book 2, and finally advanced level Book 3. Every chapter is carefully studied, with clear and concise explanations from the lead tutor, Abu Mu’adh Taqweem Aslam. Grammar rules are broken down and highlighted in a simple and easy format – anyone wanting to learn will be able to do so!

We also teach a wide selection of supplementary side books from the Madinah Arabic course such as Hadith, Fiqh, Reading & Comprehension, as well as Stories of the Prophets. We are adding more and more to our curriculums as time goes by.

Homework is highlighted at the end of each tuition session providing the student a clear idea of how to progress, what to memorise, and what to practice exactly before the next session…in this way clear and tangible progress is witnessed week-by-week.



The Madinah Book 1 course only requires the student to be able to read basic Arabic, to be able to recognise letters and read simple vocabulary…nothing more is needed as it will all be learnt in the course as we go along!


The Madinah Book 1 course typically takes 2 terms i.e. 24 1-hour sessions total as a maximum, it is however often completed in less than that by many groups.

Our Book 1 course has been taught to 100’s of students by the lead tutor!

Interactive Learning

The absolute key to learning is interaction and participation! Our tuition is focussed on student participation; every student in the group is given consistent opportunity to practice words, sentences, and conversation throughout the online class. 

student Reviews

There have been countless numbers of students who have completed the Madinah Book 1 course over the years…here’s what some of them experienced!

Ibrahim M, Manchester, UK

"The course is very informative and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. The course introduces all necessary Arabic grammar and it links up modern vocabulary as used in Qur'an and Hadith. The course is thought-provoking and the tutor is a graduate from the islamic University of Madinah..."

Rasheed S, Barbados, UK

"I have had tuition on a weekly basis since 2015. The technical knowledge of Arabic grammar is taught in a high level of detail and this is where many other tutors fall short.”

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